Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Next Wrinkle Free Wednesday, April 2nd & May 7th

Wayne: 610.688.3363
Philadelphia: 267.578.3064



Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Deep Neck Lift Surgery in Philadelphia

Conveniently located to serve Philadelphia, Wayne, and the entire Main Line.

tina ho md facial plastic surgery office
Neck lift beforeNeck lift after

Before & After

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Deep Neck Lift Surgeon 

Patients seeking neck rejuvenation will find the deep neck lift procedure to only be offered by the most experienced neck lift facial plastic surgeons. With the deep neck lift, you receive a procedure that definitively rejuvenates areas of the neck that sag and have muscle laxity and excess fat. 

The deep neck lift is more advanced than a traditional neck lift, as it involves deeper sculpting and more repositioning of tissues and muscles, which provides a longer-lasting and more dramatic result. 


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Introducing Dr. Tina Ho! A Double Board-Certified, Fellowship-Trained Facial Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Ho is a highly respected female surgeon in the medical community, noted for her charitable work, scientific contributions, and impressive leadership. She is a proud member and is board-certified by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. As a female double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho is both approachable and relatable to her patients and strives to empower them with beautiful, natural results. Her philosophy is to provide the highest standard of individualized care in greater Philadelphia for a broad spectrum of facial rejuvenation and reconstructive procedures.

Philadelphia’s Female Facial Plastic Surgery

As Philadelphia’s female facial plastic surgeon, I am a double board-certified and fellowship-trained facial contouring expert, attracting patients from all over greater Philadelphia and across the country for surgical contouring procedures including facelift, neck lift, buccal fat removal, chin liposuction, and chin augmentation. Thank you for trusting your face in me.

Deep Neck Lift Patient Testimonials

Buccal Fat Removal + Neck Lift: Patient Testimonial

I am truly grateful for this wonderful patient’s beautiful facial and jawline contouring surgery results and even more humbled by her kind testimonial. In this video, she describes and shows why she underwent buccal fat removal and neck lift and her recovery journey.

Before and After My Deep Plane Facelift & Neck Lift Surgery with Dr. Tina Ho

My name is Kimberly. I am from Rhode Island. This is my husband, Vincent, and I wouldn’t be here today getting this facelift and neck lift surgery or had this journey if it wasn’t for him. From the time I was young, I call it the curse. My father had a double chin. My grandmother had a double chin. My aunts had one too, and they would all tease me. You know, as a young child, they’d say, “Someday you’re going to look like this.” And I did get that double chin. I never really felt confident with it. It always bothered me. I was always self-conscious about it. I didn’t feel comfortable meeting new people. I didn’t feel comfortable in myself. I didn’t feel pretty. I didn’t feel comfortable taking photos.

Patient Testimonial: Eyelid Lift + Facelift + Neck Lift

Patient Testimonial: Facelift & Neck Lift

This beautiful patient in her 40s came to me for surgical consultation, bothered by her aging face and neck. We pursued a deep plane facelift and deep neck lift to restore more youthful contour to her face, jawline, and neck. We are so grateful for her kind testimonial that describes her patient journey and for her beautiful, natural results.

What Is a Deep Neck Lift?

When a deep neck lift is performed, incisions are made under the chin and around and/or behind the ears, much like traditional neck lifts¹. The difference is that the deep neck lift is a deeper cut that goes below the superficial fatty tissue and platysma muscle and into the deeper muscle and fat layers. The surgeon can better tighten, sculpt, and reposition the tissues and muscles when the deeper layers are reached.

The process of the deep neck lift sculpts and repositions the deep tissue layers. It includes addressing the deeper muscles, glands, and fat to achieve an ideal level of rejuvenation that alleviates skin sag and jowls within the face and neck.

Ideal Deep Neck Lift Candidates

The deep neck lift is perfect for those who have the following characteristics:

  • Signs of aging are visible. Visible aging in the neck area often includes significant muscle laxity, skin sag, deep wrinkles, and jowls. If these changes are present, the jawline definition is decreased, and the individual will appear more tired and aged.
  • Lack of sharp jawline and neck contour. Both younger and older patients may be good candidates for deep neck lift if they possess bulky or sagging deeper muscle, fat, and glands that need to be sculpted and repositioned to achieve better jawline and neck contour. 
  • You are in good overall health. The surgeon will expect good overall mental and physical health to secure the best possible recovery. Each candidate will be provided a thorough examination to verify that the procedure will be well-tolerated.
  • Your skin has great elasticity. To achieve ideal results, the skin must have good elasticity. This procedure will yield great results when the skin is healthy and easily conforms to the new contours.
  • Your expectations are realistic. The candidate’s expectations need to be as realistic as possible, meaning you understand that the aging process cannot be stopped and additional procedures may be required in the future.
  • Your neck structure is ideal. Appropriate surgery candidates will have adequate neck structure to support the procedure’s modifications to achieve a natural and balanced result.

Educational Videos

Neck lift: What to Expect After Surgery?

What is expected after surgery? After neck lift surgery, a compression dressing will be worn 24/7 the first week and at night the second week. Neck drains and sutures will be removed at one week out; concealer makeup may start to be applied then. Bruising and swelling take 2 weeks or longer to resolve. Return to normal social activities may be expected 1 month after surgery. Final results are realized at 6 months to 1 year following surgery.

Neck lift: what is expected with surgery?

What is expected with surgery? The approach depends on the extent of deeper sculpting and whether skin needs to be removed. With all neck lift surgeries an incision will be created in the crease under the chin. When skin needs to be removed, additional incisions are made behind the ear. If no skin needs to be removed small incisions may still be placed in the earlobe creases only. Once under the skin, the platysma muscle is entered where seller sculpting of fat, muscles, and glands may occur.

Neck lift: Who is an Ideal Candidate?

Deep Neck Lift Benefits

Once performed, the deep neck lift can provide quite a few benefits to those seeking neck rejuvenation. Not only does this technique address the skin but the deeper muscle, fat, and glands as well. Below are some of the benefits expected from the deep neck lift.

Rejuvenation of the Neck

The deep neck lift provides a substantial amount of rejuvenation to the fatty tissue and deep muscles. The approach is often comprehensive and allows for neck tightness and contour improvements that are more significant and last longer compared to more traditional approaches to neck lift surgery like platysmaplasty alone.

Enhanced Definition of Jawline

With the deeper tissues and muscles sculpted repositioned, the deep neck lift can enhance the definition of the jawline to appear more youthful. This decreases the jowls and ensures the lower face achieves harmony and balance.

Results Are Long-Lasting

The deep neck lift can provide long-lasting results because the deeper layers are sculpted and repositioned. 

Excess Skin, Fat, Muscle, and Glands Are Reduced

In addition to the sagging muscles and skin being addressed, the deep neck lift helps to reduce excess fat and glands in the deeper layers as well. The result is an appearance that is rejuvenated and youthful.

Enhanced Contour of the Neck

The deep neck lift addresses both vertical lines and horizontal neck bands that are age-related. This enhances the contour, resulting in a smooth and more pleasing aesthetic.

What to Expect From the Deep Neck Lift Results

The deep neck lift will provide the most dramatic and long lasting results for the aging neck. Just like any other facial plastic surgery procedure², the goal is to restore a more youthful contour. Below are a few of the expectations from the results.

  • Your skin sag and jowls will be reduced. Jowls can be improved with this procedure. A youthful jawline can be achieved by repositioning the deep tissues.
  • Your double chin will be corrected. The deep plane neck lift will reduce a double chin.
  • Your platysmal bands will be smoothed. The deep plane neck lift can improve the appearance of platysmal bands through muscle repositioning and tightening. The result is an appearance that is aesthetic and smooth.
  • Your results will be natural. With her extreme skill as a surgeon, Dr. Tina Ho can provide the best results that complement your desired outcome.
  • You can enjoy long-lasting results. Clients can expect the results to be long-lasting despite the continuous aging process.

The Average Cost of a Deep Neck Lift in Philadelphia

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The deep neck lift cost is variable. It is determined by many factors that involve the surgeon’s experience level, certifications, location, anesthesia, facility, and the time required to conduct the procedure. With a varied cost, asking about an initial estimate is important. 

On average, a deep plane neck lift in Philadelphia is estimated to cost an average of $10,000 to $14,000. 


Recovery Process

A crucial part of the deep neck lift is the recovery period. Optimal results will be achieved when post-operative instructions are followed throughout your recovery. The general recovery process is broken down below.

Immediately Following Surgery

Once the surgery is complete, bandages and dressings are placed to help keep the incisions protected and provide for optimal healing. A compression garment will be applied to ensure minimal swelling and give you the most support.

Bruising and Swelling

Along with swelling, there will also be bruising present. The bruising will be noticeable following the initial days after surgery and will subside gradually the next few weeks. 

The First Seven Days

During the first seven days, you must rest as often as possible and refrain from physical activity. You should also keep your head elevated to alleviate swelling.

Initial Follow-Up

Your initial follow-up will be during your first week of recovery to confirm that your healing is progressing as it should. Any drains will be removed, and overall healing will be fully assessed.

14 Days Following Surgery

Your swelling will be decreased, and the amount of contour in the neck will improve. You may also notice persistent residual swelling.

Your activity level will gradually increase upon surgeon approval. However, the activity should be limited and light at first to avoid neck strain. 

One Month Later

Thirty days after the surgery, discomfort, bruising, and swelling will be mostly resolved, and improvement will be more pronounced within the neck.

The level of activity you resume will depend on your healing. This may be your usual daily activity and will gradually increase.

Beyond Six Weeks

When six weeks come along, your swelling should be decreased, and more of the neck’s contour will be improved. While your improvements will be noticeable, your full results will not be seen until six to twelve months following surgery. You will also see scarring fading more and more.

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Deep Neck Lift Videos 

Deep Neck Lift: Before and After

This wonderful patient came to me for surgical consultation seeking chin liposuction to improve her jawline and neck contour. Her exam however demonstrated laxity and bulkiness of her deeper neck structures — particularly of her neck muscles — rather than abundant superficial fat in the chin and upper neck area.

I recommended my signature deep mini neck lift to achieve the most definitive surgical results. During surgery, I performed chin liposuction as well as platysmaplasty and debulking of the patient’s large, ptotic anterior digastric muscles.

Three months later, this patient has healed beautifully and already is demonstrating a snatched jawline. We are so thrilled with her results!

What can a neck lift achieve?

“I perform a specialized deep neck lift technique that definitively resuspends the skin, deeper tissues, and platysma muscle to produce dramatic yet still natural, youthful results for each neck lift patient.”

Dr. Tina Ho

Dr. Tina Ho

Other Procedures

Beautiful mature woman touching her neck

Plastic surgeons sometimes perform other procedures along with a neck lift, depending on the patient. They include facelifts, fat transfers, submental lipo, chin augmentation, laser resurfacing, and eyelid surgery.

If these additional procedures are right for a patient, Dr. Ho will talk to the patient about them.

Neck lift make right lateral view

Find Out More

To learn more about the neck lift in Philadelphia, contact our office for a consultation. During it, Dr. Tina Ho will answer your questions.

Deep Neck Lift References

¹Platysmaplasty. (2023, July 21). In Wikipedia.

²Chuang, J., Barnes, C., & F. Wong, B. J. (2016). Overview of Facial Plastic Surgery and Current Developments. The Surgery Journal, 2(1), e17.


Frequently Asked Questions on Neck Lift Surgery

How long do deep neck lift results last?

When looking at deep neck lift before and after results, it is important to know that each individual’s experience and results with the deep neck lift will vary. The number of years the results can be enjoyed will also differ. On average,deep neck lift results last for at least ten to twenty years. The results depend on many factors, such as lifestyle, genetics, and how the aging process takes its toll.

Some of the factors that can affect how long deep neck lift results last include:

  • Genetics. Although the deep plane neck lift can produce youthful-looking results, the aging process will continue, which will have a variable effect on the skin.
  • Your lifestyle. If you live an active lifestyle, do not smoke tobacco, eat a healthy diet, and take care of your skin, you will be making a major impact on the longevity of your deep neck lift and how fast the skin and tissue age.
  • The overall quality of your skin. Skin quality and elasticity play a part in longevity because these can help to maintain post-operative aesthetics.
  • How well you can maintain your aesthetics. The amount of time deep neck lift results last can also depend on how well the facial aesthetics are maintained with skin care regimen and other adjunct cosmetic procedures. 
  • How well you age. Because of the aging process, the deep neck lift will require maintenance so you can maintain a youthful appearance on the skin. 
What is the average age of a deep neck lift patient?

The average age of a deep neck lift patient is between 40 and 65 years old. Despite this age range, there is no age restriction on receiving a deep neck lift. The procedure may be sought while you are young or if you experience factors that warrant the procedure, but most wait until later to enjoy the process. Patients in as young as in their 20s and 30s with genetic factors contributing to an ill-defined jawline and neck may be candidates for mini deep neck lift surgery. 

With the wide average age range, getting a deep neck lift can also be based on preference. Usually, the candidate for a deep neck lift will have a significant amount of skin laxity and sag within the lower face and neck.

How is a deep neck lift different from neck liposuction?

Although the deep neck lift and neck liposuction may sound similar, you need to be aware of some significant differences. 

  • Different concerns are addressed. The deep neck lift addresses the deep tissues including muscle, fat, and glands, sagging skin, and muscle laxity. Neck liposuction only removes the excess fat in the superficial layer below the skin. 
  • The type of anesthesia. The deep neck lift utilizes general anesthesia, and neck liposuction can often be performed alone under local anesthesia. 
  • The overall scope. A deep neck lift requires an extensive procedure that repositions the muscles and skin. Neck liposuction is not as invasive and only concentrates on superficial fat.

Different results. The deep neck lift offers more significant effects for individuals with an aging jawline and neck. Neck liposuction only removes the superficial fat from the area and may produce a limited result or cause a “turkey neck appearance” for those who a true neck lift candidates.

Your Deep Neck Lift Surgery in Philadelphia will be performed by Dr. Tina Ho in her surgery center in Philadelphia.