Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Next Wrinkle Free Wednesday, November 6th & December 4th

Wayne: 610.688.3363
Philadelphia: 267.578.3064



Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Jawline Contouring in Philadelphia

Conveniently located to serve Philadelphia, Wayne, and the entire Main Line.

tina ho md facial plastic surgery office
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Jawline Contouring Videos

Jawline Filler Injection Technique by Dr. Tina Ho

I routinely inject filler along the jawline in both younger and older patients to enhance jawline definition and optimize facial rejuvenation. I counsel patients that this procedure often requires multiple syringes of filler for ideal results. I typically perform jawline filler injection via needle technique to minimize patient bruising, swelling, and discomfort.

– Dr. Ho

Neurotoxin Masseter Injection with Dr. Tina Ho

Dr. Tina Ho routinely performs neurotoxin injection to the masseter muscles to help relieve pain from teeth grinding or jaw clenching associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. The injection weakens the masseters and reduces muscle tension. As it atrophies the masseter muscles, the treatment also produces a slimming effect to the lower face. Patients with a round or square-shaped face often seek out this treatment to help achieve a more narrowed or tapered appearance to their face.

Neurotoxin Masseter Injection with Dr. Tina Ho

My favorite injectable procedure for myself is Botox to the masseter muscles. I personally suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, where I chronically grind my teeth or clench my jaw often due to stress. Botox injection weakens the masseters and reduces muscle tension. I routinely perform this injection on my patients as well. – Dr. Tina Ho

Cheek Filler Injection Technique by Dr. Tina Ho

Cheek augmentation is all the rage and is always in season. The cheeks are my favorite area to treat with filler injection. Cheek filler injection nicely enhances volume and projection to the cheeks for that “oomph” lifting effect, softens nasolabial folds, helps minimize dark circles around the eyes, and can even accentuate the cheekbones laterally. I typically perform cheek filler injection via needle technique to minimize patient bruising, swelling, and discomfort. – Dr. Tina Ho

Deep Plane Facelift and Neck Lift: Before and After

This kind 45 year-old female patient presented originally for chin liposuction consultation, bothered by the fullness under her chin. I instead recommended a definitive deep plane facelift and neck lift for the best facial and neck rejuvenation and contouring results. She already looks amazing at three months out in these before/after photos. Final outcome is seen at six to twelve months after surgery. We are so thrilled with her results.

Buccal Fat Removal & Submental Liposuction: Before and After

25 year-old female who underwent buccal fat removal and submental liposuction for facial contouring and jawline contouring

Nasal + Facial and Jawline Contouring Surgery: Before and After

This wonderful male patient in his 30s came to me for consultation, interested in surgery to enhance his nasal contour as well as facial and jawline contour. We pursued multiple procedures at the time of his surgery including rhinoplasty with ear cartilage graft to augment his radix (upper nasal bridge), refine his nasal tip, and decrease his nostril width, buccal fat reduction for facial slimming, and chin liposuction with implant for jawline and neck contouring. The after photos illustrate his surgical outcome one year later. We are so thrilled with his beautiful, natural results.

This beautiful female patient came to me for a facial contouring consultation, interested in non-surgical options to achieve a more V-shaped facial appearance. We pursued two syringes of filler to her cheeks and chin and Botox to her masseters to create a beautiful and natural as well as snatched result.

– Dr. Ho

Educational Videos

Chin Liposuction: Who is an Ideal Candidate?

Neck lift: Who is an Ideal Candidate?

What is Jawline Contouring?

perfect woman face
Jawline contouring is any procedure designed to improve the definition and shape of the jawline. With aging, skin and soft tissue descent due to gravity forces as well as bony resorption changes lead to “jowling” with the development of pre-jowl sulci and an overall ill-defined jawline. Older patients with signs of lower face aging may seek a jawline contouring procedure to restore a more youthful appearance to their lower face. Younger patients may also be candidates for jawline contouring if they are seeking more definition or a certain shape to their jawline to achieve a more feminine or masculine look. Filler injection is one common non-surgical approach to jawline contouring. Hyaluronic acid is the most common type of material found in fillers. Depending on the type of product used and the area of the face treated, the treatment effect of fillers ranges from 1 to 2 years. Common filler products used by Dr. Ho for jawline contouring include Juvederm® Voluma XC, Restylane® Defyne, Restylane® Refyne, and Radiesse®.

Jawline filler injection may be performed alone or in conjunction with other injectable procedures such as neurotoxin injection to the masseter muscles to narrow the lower third of the face. Dr. Ho can further improve the jawline with liposuction of the neck. Jawline contouring requires the expertise of a surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery of the face and understands facial anatomy well. Dr. Ho is highly experienced in filler injections and performs each procedure in an artistic manner according to the anatomic features and aesthetic goals of the individual patient.

Educational Videos

Filler Injection: Trust Your Face to an Expert

Filler Injection: Trust Your Face to an Expert Filler is a wonderful non-surgical procedure that restores volume and definition in the face. In my practice, I most commonly use hyaluronic acid based fillers for facial rejuvenation. The most common areas I treat with filler include cheeks, chin, jawline, and tear troughs. Watch this reel to learn about my favorite types of filler for certain areas of the face.


Introducing Dr. Tina Ho! A Double Board-Certified, Fellowship-Trained Facial Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Ho is a highly respected female surgeon in the medical community, noted for her charitable work, scientific contributions, and impressive leadership. She is a proud member and is board-certified by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. As a female double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho is both approachable and relatable to her patients and strives to empower them with beautiful, natural results. Her philosophy is to provide the highest standard of individualized care in greater Philadelphia for a broad spectrum of facial rejuvenation and reconstructive procedures.

Philadelphia’s Female Facial Plastic Surgery

As Philadelphia’s female facial plastic surgeon, I am a double board-certified and fellowship-trained facial contouring expert, attracting patients from all over greater Philadelphia and across the country for surgical contouring procedures including facelift, neck lift, buccal fat removal, chin liposuction, and chin augmentation. Thank you for trusting your face in me.

What is Dr. Ho’s approach to Jawline Contouring?

portrait of  beautiful male model
As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho specializes exclusively in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures of the head and neck region. She has dedicated training and extensive experience in injectable procedures from one of the top facial plastic surgery fellowship programs in the country. Dr. Ho is a highly regarded regional specialist in jawline contouring and draws patients from all over Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York to Philadelphia and Wayne for consultation and treatment. She dedicates ample time and effort to establish realistic goals and expectations with every patient. Her treatment philosophy is centered on producing results that improve definition and facial harmony. She frequently performs injectables in incremental fashion across multiple visits and obtains pre and post-treatment photographs throughout the process to allow for objective comparison. Dr. Ho typically pursues a cannula technique for filler injections as this technique minimizes the risks of bruising and swelling as well as vascular compromise. Dr. Ho understands the pain tolerance of every patient is different tailors her injectable procedures to ensure each patient is as comfortable as possible. She also upholds an excellent hygienic protocol to avoid infection as well.

What should patients expect after Jawline Contouring?

Dr. Ho routinely performs chin filler injection
Dr. Ho routinely performs chin filler injection as part of jawline contouring
Each jawline contouring procedure is different and catered to the individual patient in terms of how much filler product is needed and where the filler is injected. Therefore, the extent of swelling and bruising that occurs after filler injection will vary by patient. There may be swelling or bruising at the injection sites or in the treated areas that may be mild to moderate in nature. Swelling and bruising are managed well with icing for the first two days after the procedure and head elevation the evening following the procedure. Bruised injection sites can be covered with concealer makeup starting 24 hours after the procedure. Post-treatment pain is usually not significant and may be managed with Tylenol as needed. The results of filler injection in the treated areas are typically observed immediately or after most of the immediate swelling has subsided. It is not uncommon for slight asymmetries to be observed initially after an injectable procedure that typically resolves by two weeks out when the treatment product has settled out and is in maximal effect. Dr. Ho seeks follow-up with her patients two weeks after each injectable procedure to ensure that every patient is satisfied with their treatment outcome.

Jawline Contouring: Before & After Videos 

Mini Neck Lift, Neck Lift, and Jawline Contouring

Surgical Jawline Contouring: Before and After

This lovely patient was concerned by the fullness of her upper neck and lack of jawline definition as well as her nasal hump. She originally saw me for consultation for chin liposuction but was ultimately better suited for mini neck lift surgery. Based on her genetics and face/neck anatomy, this patient not only required removal of superficial fat below her chin but more importantly deeper sculpting including resuspension of her neck muscles (platysmaplasty) and deeper fat and gland removal below the muscle layer. She also desired a conservative approach to rhinoplasty to gently shave down her nasal hump and rotate her tip. Six months later, this patient is beaming with the dramatically rejuvenated jawline contour and neck she never had as well as a refined nose that is in harmony with her facial features. Submental liposuction alone would have produced very conservative results.

Volux Chin and Jawline Contouring

This beautiful female patient came in for consultation seeking more chin projection and jawline definition. We injected only two syringes of Volux filler to her chin and posterior jawline for a beautiful, contoured result. Volux is a brand new from Allergan that is the first and only FDA- approved hyaluronic acid filler for improving jawline definition. We are excited to offer this revolutionary filler to our jawline contouring patients!

Facelift and Neck Lift: Before and After

This wonderful male patient in his 60s came to me for surgical consultation, bothered by his aging neck. We pursued a deep plane facelift and deep neck lift and are thrilled with his beautiful, natural results. This video displays his surgical outcome one year later. Male facelift patients with shorter hair can have undetectable scars if they are placed along natural creases and curves around the ears and heal favorably.

“My treatment philosophy is centered on producing results that are natural and achieve facial harmony.”

Dr. Tina Ho

“Jawline contouring is a procedure designed to improve the definition and shape of the jawline.”

Dr. Tina Ho

“Filler injection is one common non-surgical approach to jawline contouring.”

Dr. Tina Ho

Dr. Tina Ho
Your Jawline Contouring in Philadelphia will be performed by Dr. Tina Ho in her surgery center in Philadelphia.


What are other injectable procedures routinely performed with jawline contouring?
black woman neck
It is common for other injectable procedures to be performed at the same time as jawline contouring, depending on the patient’s anatomic issues and rejuvenation goals. They include but are not limited to the following: filler treatment for cheek augmentation and tear trough deformity, temple filler injection, chin augmentation, lip, and perioral rejuvenation, and Kybella injections to the submental area. When performing jawline contouring, Dr. Ho takes into account the anatomy and treatment of the midface region (cheeks and eye areas) to create rejuvenated faces that are aesthetically beautiful and balanced. Dr. Ho is experienced in a wide range of aging face procedures and will thoroughly evaluate each jawline contouring candidate and discuss with them whether they would benefit from additional procedures at the time of their procedure.
What is neurotoxin masseter injection?
Neurotoxin injection to the masseter muscles (one of the facial muscles of mastication located by the angle of the jaw) is a common injectable procedure in facial rejuvenation. As it atrophies the masseter muscles, neurotoxin injection produces a slimming effect on the lower face. Patients with a round or square-shaped face often seek out this treatment to help achieve a more narrowed or tapered appearance to their face. Neurotoxin masseter injection is also a frequent adjunct procedure for temporomandibular joint (TMJ dysfunction), which is typically associated with symptoms of chronic teeth grinding or jaw clenching due to stress. Botox injection weakens the masseters and reduces muscle tension in this area. Dr. Ho is experienced in neurotoxin masseter injections and will discuss with each patient the best treatment options that meet their aesthetic concerns and goals.
What is Kybella injection?
Kybella injection Before & After
Kybella® is an FDA-approved injection procedure indicated for the reduction of moderate to severe submental fat (the area of fat below the chin). This injection is a common adjunct procedure in jawline contouring that contributes to creating a more defined jawline on profile view and typically requires a series of three treatments or more before achieving noticeable results. Kybella® can be considered to have a permanent effect, as the active ingredient deoxycholic acid is a bile acid that breaks down and destroys fat cells. Dr. Ho has experienced in Kybella® injections and will discuss with each patient the best treatment options that meet their aesthetic concerns and goals.

Male Jawline Contouring
Female Jawline Contouring

In an ideal female face, the lower third of the face including the jawline is narrower compared to the upper two thirds and follows the optimal inverted pyramid shape. In an ideal male face, the lower third of the face including the jawline demonstrates a more square appearance.

What is the ideal jawline?
Dr. Ho believes that while every face is unique, the ideal jawline possesses a youthful, sharp definition and is harmonious with the rest of the face. In an ideal female face, the lower third of the face including the jawline is more narrow and tapered compared to the upper two thirds and contributes to the optimal inverted pyramid shape. In an ideal male face, the lower third of the face including the jawline follows a more square appearance. Furthermore, the ideal jawline demonstrates adequate chin projection as well. The most anterior point of an ideal chin should be at or approach a vertical line referred to as the Zero Meridian of Gonzalez-Ulloa that runs through the nasion (the root of the nose) and is perpendicular to the Frankfort horizontal line, which runs through the inferior orbital rim and superior limit of the ear canal.

ideal jawline

On profile view, the most anterior point of an ideal chin should be at or approach a vertical line (Zero Meridian of Gonzalez-Ulloa) that runs through the root of the nose and is perpendicular to a horizontal line that runs through the inferior orbital rim and superior limit of the ear canal (Frankfort horizontal line).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Injectable Procedures for jawline contouring compared to aesthetic surgery?
Gorgeous young woman

Injectable procedures are an appealing non-surgical treatment option as they are less invasive and involve fewer risks and downtime compared to surgery. In contrast to filler injections, surgery typically yields more permanent results and may be considered advantageous from a long-term cost-benefit analysis when compared against repeated injectable treatments. Dr. Ho is experienced in both non-surgical and surgical methods for facial rejuvenation and will discuss with each patient the best treatment options that meet their aesthetic concerns and goals. To learn more about the surgical treatment options for jawline contouring, click here.

What is the cost of Jawline Contouring?

The cost of jawline contouring in Philadelphia ranges. Filler starts at $800/syringe, may need minimum 2-4 syringes or more for adequate results, package specials start at $3000.