Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Next Wrinkle Free Wednesday, April 2nd & May 7th

Wayne: 610.688.3363
Philadelphia: 267.578.3064



Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Lip Augmentation in Philadelphia

Conveniently located to serve Philadelphia, Wayne, and the entire Main Line.

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What is Lip Augmentation?

Rhinoplasty & Lip Augmentation
Lip augmentation is a procedure intended to enhance the volume, shape, and/or definition of the lips. It can be performed via non-surgical techniques such as filler injection or surgery where a more permanent result is achieved. In her surgical approach to lip augmentation, Dr. Ho relies upon her fat transfer technique for lip enhancement with natural, aesthetically pleasing results. Fat transfer is an appealing treatment option as it utilizes a patient’s own cells for rejuvenation. Compared to filler injections, fat transfer yields more permanent results and often does not need to be repeated over time to maintain the results. On the other hand, the survival of transferred fat is unpredictable. In her approach to fat transfer, Dr. Ho injects the lips with slightly more volume than needed given the fact that not all fat transferred to the lips will survive in the long run. Lip augmentation may also be achieved with a placement of an implant that is nevertheless associated with risks of infection and unnatural appearance. Dr. Ho is experienced in both fat transfer and filler injections and will discuss with each patient the best treatment option to meet their lip augmentation goals.

Am I a Good Candidate for Lip Enhancement in Philadelphia?

Rhinoplasty & Lip Augmentation

The ideal candidate is someone who is unhappy with the appearance of their lips and has decided they want to proceed with a non-surgical or surgical procedure. The candidate should be in good physical and mental health and without medical conditions that could increase the risk of complications. An ideal candidate is also a non-smoker and currently not taking blood thinning medications. 

Lip augmentation is ideal for candidates who have thin lips. As we age, collagen loss in the lips occurs at different rates resulting in disproportionate lip sizes. In many cases, the upper lip will typically lose its size and be noticeably thinner than the bottom lips. In this situation, lip enhancement can restore symmetry and add volume to the lips.

In some cases, wrinkles around the mouth can occur due to a loss of volume in the lips. Those wrinkles around the mouth are related to the volume of the lips and when augmented, the volume is restored and the wrinkles disappear. 

If you are not sure if lip augmentation is right for you, do not worry. Dr. Ho’s experience and expertise in lip enhancement can help you decide if this procedure is right for you.

Why Choose Dr. Ho for Lip Augmentation in Philadelphia?

Dr. Tina Ho is a fellowship-trained and double board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and a board-certified head and neck surgeon. Dr. Ho’s extensive training and expertise in both facial cosmetic surgery and otolaryngology, allows her to address the complex anatomy of the face to provide unmatched results. 

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho understands the needs of her female clients and provides a relaxed environment to discuss even the most sensitive insecurities. Dr. Ho has also been selected to provide the Best Facial Plastic Surgery by Philadelphia Style Magazine. 

Dr. Ho is conveniently located to provide world-class care to Center City Philadelphia and Wayne and the surrounding metropolitan region and greater tri-state area, including the Main Line, Montgomery County (King of Prussia), Chester County, Delaware County, New Jersey (Cherry Hill), New York (New York City), and Delaware.

Lift Lip: Before & After

This wonderful younger patient was bothered by the thin appearance of her upper lip particularly with smiling. She was tired of repeating the same treatments over and over and desired more permanent options for lip rejuvenation. Two stepwise procedures and six months later, she is beautifully healed and we are so happy with her new smile.

What to Expect During the Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, Dr. Ho will listen to the goals you wish to accomplish with the cosmetic surgery. After determining what you wish to accomplish, an exam is performed to determine if you are a good candidate for lip enhancement surgery or if there is a better approach to help achieve your specific goals. 

The exam will include reviewing your medical history to ensure you are a good candidate for the proposed treatment plan. Topics that will be discussed can include:

  • Previous surgeries
  • Previous non-surgical cosmetic procedures
  • Current and past medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure 
  • Allergies and current medications, including dietary supplements
  • Tobacco, alcohol, and recreational drug use

After gathering all the information, Dr. Ho and you will determine and develop the best lip augmentation plan to achieve your goals, which may include recommendations for other procedures. Once a treatment plan is developed, a detailed explanation of the total cost of the proposed plan will be provided to you, as well as any financing options available. You will also have an opportunity to get answers to all of your questions.

Recovery Process

If dermal fillers are used to provide subtle lip augmentation, the results are immediate, with little to no recovery necessary. Mild swelling and discomfort may be present for a couple of days, but this typically resolves quickly.

The recovery from a natural lip augmentation using your own fat cells does require a longer recovery time than dermal fillers. Swelling and bruising are typical after this procedure and will begin to resolve during the first or second week following the procedure. The small incision made to harvest fat cells using liposuction will also require time to heal. Therefore, you will need to wait a week before returning to your normal activity level.

Enhance Your Lips With Lip Augmentation in Philadelphia

Have you lost volume to your lips, or have you developed significant asymmetry between your upper and lower lips? Learn more about surgical and non-surgical options that can help produce a more youthful, rejuvenated look to your lips, and schedule a consultation today. Dr. Tina Ho is a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon with a personalized interest in giving you the best possible outcomes to help you feel confident.

For a consultation, call our offices at 267-578-3064 (Philadelphia) or 610-688-3363 (Wayne) and take the steps toward a fuller life and lips.

Patient Details Her Lip Augmentation Surgical Experience And Results

This beautiful patient underwent silicone lip injection one year ago that left her with permanent visible, hard bumps that were most prominent with smiling. Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, silicone is a permanent product and cannot be reversed with an injection. Under local anesthesia, I made an elliptical incision in her upper lip and cut out the silicone material in piecemeal fashion, as illustrated in the video. This was not the most gratifying surgery for me, but the patient’s palpable sense of relief immediately after surgery and her renewed self confidence at her postoperative visit made the mining expedition experience more than worthwhile. Her upper lip is beautifully healed and refreshed already at one week out from surgery and will only improve more over time.


“My thorough knowledge of lip anatomy combined with my artistic intuition as a fellowship-trained, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon ensures natural, aesthetically pleasing results for every lip surgery patient.”

Dr. Tina Ho

Dr. Tina Ho


What is Lip Lift?
Lip lift is a surgical procedure that shortens the length of the upper lip. With aging, the upper lip becomes more elongated over time. Lip lift typically involves the removal of excessive skin in the upper lip to achieve a shorter and more youthful looking upper lip that is aesthetically balanced with the rest of the face. Dr. Ho is experienced in lip lift and routinely performs this procedure through incisions at the base of the nose. Her approach to lip lift is conservative; Dr. Ho avoids removing excessive tissue and performs meticulous closure of all incisions to achieve natural, aesthetically appealing results with minimal scars.
What is Dr. Ho’s approach to Lip Surgery?
As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho specializes exclusively in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures of the head and neck region including lip surgery. Dr. Ho welcomes and operates on patients from all over Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York and come to Philadelphia and Wayne to seek out her expertise. Dr. Ho dedicates ample time and effort with every patient to determine which surgical options may best fit the treatment goals of the patient. Dr. Ho’s approach to lip surgery is conservative, as her goal is to achieve natural, aesthetically pleasing lips that are in harmony with the rest of the face and demonstrate minimal scars.
What should patients expect after Lip Surgery?
Each lip surgery is different and catered to the individual patient. Therefore, the types of incisions utilized as well as extent of swelling and bruising that occur after surgery will vary by patient. Every lip surgery patient will follow-up with Dr. Ho one week after surgery for post-operative evaluation and suture removal if applicable. Each patient will then follow-up again at weeks to months out at regular intervals for re-evaluation. The down time for lip is usually minimal; most patients can return to normal daily activities apart from heavy lifting, straining, and strenuous activity the day after surgery. If incisions were created within the body of the lips or in the upper lip, the patient may need to be on a soft diet for the first two weeks after surgery to optimize healing. Patients who undergo fat transfer to their lips may experience more lingering swelling that may take up to one month to resolve. Post-operative pain is usually managed well with prescribed pain medication. Dr. Ho seeks regular follow-up with her patients to ensure that every patient heals well and is satisfied with their surgical outcome.
What are the Ideal Lips?
Dr. Ho believes that while every face is unique, the ideal lips contribute to an aesthetically pleasing, balanced face and do not distract from other facial features. The ideal lips typically follow a 1:2 upper lip height to lower lip height ratio and demonstrate even volume and defined vermilion borders on frontal view. On lateral view, the upper and lower lips are approximately located 4 mm and 2 mm behind a line from the nasal tip to the most anterior point of the chin (nasomental line), respectively, with the upper lip projecting slightly more anteriorly than the lower lip. Dr. Ho uses several of these anatomic principles as a foundation for her surgical approach as well as her aesthetic intuition in lip surgery.​
What is the Cost of a Lip Lift?

The average cost for a lip lift is roughly $300, this does not include facility fees. Cost may be significantly less if combined with other procedures at time of surgery including rhinoplasty and facelift.

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Your Lip Augmentation in Philadelphia will be performed by Dr. Tina Ho in her surgery center in Philadelphia.