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What is Mini Neck Lift surgery?

The mini neck lift procedure requires the expertise of a plastic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery of the head and neck region.

What is Dr. Ho’s Approach to Mini Neck Lift?

As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho specializes exclusively in aesthetic surgery of the face and neck. She has dedicated training in aging face procedures from one of the top facial plastic and reconstructive surgery fellowship programs in the country and stays up to date in refining her knowledge and surgical techniques to provide her patients with the best surgical results. Dr. Ho is known regionally as a jawline contouring specialist and attracts patients from all across greater Philadelphia to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and the East Coast.

Dr. Tina Ho devotes extensive time and effort with every patient during consultation to determine the best surgical procedure that will achieve their treatment goals. She sees many patients who seek out chin liposuction or non-surgical jawline contouring who instead based on their face and neck anatomy benefit from neck lift surgery instead. Her surgical approach to neck lift focuses on creating beautiful, natural results through limited, well-hidden incisions. In patients with minimal to mild skin laxity with good skin tone, Dr. Ho will perform her mini neck lift procedure through a single incision under the chin. In patients with more apparent skin laxity issues where some redraping is required, Dr. Ho utilizes both incisions under the chin and behind the ears to achieve the desired surgical result.

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What is Platysmaplasty?

Platysmaplasty refers to a neck surgical procedure that resuspends the platysma muscle layer. Patients who may benefit from neck lift surgery often demonstrate a lower hanging or lax platysma that contributes to an obtuse neck contour angle. Dr. Ho routinely performs platysmaplasty in every neck lift surgery. She usually divides the muscle layer at midline and through this access can perform any necessary deeper sculpting. Dr. Ho then trims redundant muscles and sutures the platysma layer back together in a corset-like fashion. For those mini neck lift patients with no concerning skin laxity issues, Dr. Ho’s surgical approach commonly focuses on chin liposuction plus platysmaplasty through a single chin incision.

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Schedule a Consultation
Schedule your consultation for Mini Neck Lift in Philadelphia, Wayne, and the entire Main Line.– contact Dr. Tina Ho and set up your appointment. During your appointment, you will be able to ask questions and bring up any concerns you may have about the procedure. Contact us today to get the look you’ve always wanted!
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What should patients expect after Mini Neck Lift?
Each neck lift surgery is different and customized to the individual patient. Therefore, the types of incisions involved as well as the degree of swelling, bruising, and pain following surgery will vary by patient. The incisions associated with mini neck lift tend to be smaller compared to those created in traditional neck lift surgery. Closed suction drains are typically placed underneath the skin to collect bloody drainage and help reduce the formation of a hematoma (blood fluid collection) or seroma (serous fluid collection) from the neck that may impact healing. The drains may remain for several days to a week following surgery. A compression dressing is applied around the head and neck region at the conclusion of surgery to prevent hematoma or seroma formation as well. Every mini neck lift patient will follow up with Dr. Ho the day after surgery for dressing replacement. Each patient will then return one and two weeks following surgery for suture removal. Any immediate post-operative bruising and swelling can be managed well with icing, head elevation, and compression dressing adherence with the majority resolving within the first two weeks after surgery. Post-operative pain is typically managed well with prescribed pain medication. Improvement in the neck contour is typically observed once most of the swelling has subsided. Bruising, swelling, and overall downtime is typically less with mini neck lift compared to traditional neck lift surgery.
What type of patient is the ideal candidate for Mini Neck Lift?
The ideal surgical patient for the mini neck lift procedure is a healthy non-smoking individual who has no remarkable medical or surgical history, does not take blood-thinning medications, and demonstrates strong bony facial features, normal hyoid position, and good skin elasticity. Patients with mild skin and soft tissue laxity issues in the neck or patients with good skin tone and require deeper sculpting and resuspension that goes beyond chin liposuction and otherwise do not require more aggressive correction offered by traditional neck lift surgery are the most ideal candidates for mini neck lift.
The Dedo classification of the aging neck helps guide the plastic surgeon in determining ideal candidates for neck lift as well as the specific anatomic components of the lower face and neck of the individual patient that need to be addressed with surgery. Class VI patients have an abnormal hyoid position and will likely have suboptimal results with neck lift surgery. Dr. Ho applies the Dedo classification principles as well as her aesthetic experience and intuition to produce beautiful, natural results for her surgical patients.
The Dedo classification helps guide the plastic surgeon in determining ideal candidates for lower face and neck surgery including submental liposuction, facelift, and neck lift, and what anatomic issues need to be addressed with surgery. Class, I patients possess good skin and muscle tone with little fat and an ideal cervicomental angle. Class II, III, IV, and V patients demonstrate skin laxity, focal fat accumulation, platysmal banding, and weak chin, retrospectively. Class VI patients have an abnormal hyoid position and will likely have suboptimal results with surgery.
What are other procedures that are routinely performed with Mini Neck Lift?
It is common for other procedures to be performed at the same time as mini neck lift surgery, which includes but are not limited to the following: facelift, facial fat transfer, submental liposuction, chin augmentation, laser resurfacing, and blepharoplasty. Dr. Ho is experienced in a wide range of aging face procedures and will thoroughly evaluate each mini neck lift candidate to decide whether they would benefit from additional procedures at the time of their surgery.
How Much Does a Mini Neck Lift Cost?
Starts at $15,000-$24,000 plus facility and anesthesia fees.